OSTA-AECO elects new leadership for the 2021–22 term

by | Aug 30, 2021 | Newsroom, Press Releases

The Ontario Student Trustees’ Association – l’Association des Eleves Conseillers et Conseilleres de l’Ontario (OSTA-AECO) is pleased to announce the election of Keith Baybayon as the President for the 2021-2022 academic year.  

Mr. Baybayon is entering his second term as Student Trustee for the Toronto Catholic District School Board and will be commencing his twelfth year at Marshall McLuhan in Toronto this September. Keith has done a great amount of work within his board, from advocating to create the first-ever 2SLGBTQ+ Advisory Committee to acknowledging June as Pride Month. He has served as Student Council Vice-President, Executive Liaison to Toronto’s City Youth Council and Co-Chair on the Toronto Catholic DSB’s Student Senate.

Through the 4 Day Annual General Meeting Conference held on May 27th- May 30th, the 2021-2022 Executive Council was elected alongside Mr. Baybayon. He will be joined by;  

Annika Dela Torre, Chief Executive Officer 

Shivohum Nar, Chief Financial Officer  

Jazzlyn Abbot, Public Board Council President 

Sydney Yott, Catholic Board Council President

Aisha Mahmoud, Public Board Council Vice President 

Declan Amaral, Catholic Board Council Vice President  

Lily Graydon, Policy Coordinator  

Stephanie De Castro, Public Affairs Coordinator 

Charles Chen, Operations Coordinator 

Harini Satheeskumar, Outreach Coordinator 

Adam Morgenstern, Media Design Coordinator 

AmaturRaheem Salam-Alada, Professional Development Coordinator

Keith is excited to work with the new Executive Council to ensure that the student voice is at the forefront of any decision pertaining to publicly-funded education. He is thrilled to be working alongside such strong-minded and determined leaders from across Ontario and plans to empower every Student Trustee with their advocacy. He is looking forward to seeing the student’s vision for equitable education come to life and to continue the momentum brought from the Presidents before him.


OSTA-AECO will be hosting three conferences during the 2021-2022 academic year, including its Fall General Meeting in October, Board Council Conferences in February, and its Annual General Meeting in May. Board Council Conferences will take place in Ottawa while all other events will be hosted in Toronto. 

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