Student voice.

By students, for students.

The Ontario Student Trustees’ Association

Who we are

OSTA-AECO is a one-of-a-kind organization in Canada. We’re an independent, non-partisan group of democratically-elected student representatives in grades 11 and 12. We sit on Ontario’s 72 public school boards and we’re driven by our belief in the power of student voice. We work in our local communities and on the provincial stage to ensure that students are always put first.

Our vision

The Students’ Vision for Education lays out a broad, bold, and ambitious roadmap to change Ontario’s education system for the better. It’s rooted in both research and student voice, incorporating results from 3 surveys from 20,000 Ontario students over the past 7 years and testimonials from students from across the province.

Our vision lays out 35 recommendations across 6 pillars: enhancing equity, funding formula reform, strengthening rural & northern schools, system modernization for 21st century learning, supporting student well-being, and school board governance.

It’s a plan made by the students—and truly for the students.

Our education funding recommendations

Adequate and targeted funding for education in Ontario can strengthen and support entire communities and change the trajectory of students’ lives.

Each year, the Ministry of Education releases its funding allocations under the provincial budget and the Grants for Student Needs. The provincial budget is a critical document in outlining key supports and methods to enhance student achievement and well-being across the entire education system. Education funding is reflective of our government’s priorities for Ontario’s youth.

We regularly provide recommendations, rooted in research and consultation among students, to the Ministry of Education with respect to funding priorities. Our recommendations are made by students, for students.

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