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Every year, our conferences provide student trustees the opportunity to develop their skills as leaders and advocates. At these conferences, attendees engage in workshops, keynotes from partners and stakeholders, and meet other students from across the province. These events provide a unique, student-centric environment where student trustees are set up for success in their terms and beyond.

Our Conferences

The CN Tower behind autumn leaves.
Parliament Hill overlooking the snowy Rideau Canal.
The Toronto sign.

Fall General Meeting

Toronto, Ontario

At FGM, student trustees have the opportunity to connect with like-minded students, engage in lively discussions, and learn about the latest developments in education. Workshops on board room etiquette, participating in meetings, and connecting with constituents set them up for success for the year ahead.

Education Action Conference

Ottawa, Ontario

At EAC, student trustees connect and develop initiatives with their respective Education and Advocacy Interest Groups. Keynote speakers present on a variety of topics geared towards ongoing professional development and issues in education. Attendees explore innovative ideas, share experiences, and work towards enhancing the student experience across Ontario.

Annual General Meeting

Toronto, Ontario

At AGM, incoming, transitional and outgoing student trustees gather to connect and celebrate their accomplishments. With engaging keynotes and workshops, outgoing student trustees leave AGM better-equipped to maximize the remaining time left in their terms and prepare for life after high school. Incoming student trustees are equipped to start their terms on a strong note.

Latest Past Events

Education Action Conference 2024

The Westin Ottawa Hotel 11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa

OSTA-AECO's Education Action Conference will allow student trustees from across the province to hear from guest speakers, participate in workshops, and engage in professional development sessions. Registration is now open for EAC in Ottawa from February 8-11, 2024.   Conference schedule View the OSTA-AECO Education Action Conference 2024 schedule & directory.

EAC 2024 Information Session and AMA (“Ask Me Anything”)

Microsoft Teams

Are you curious about what happens at OSTA-AECO conferences? Have questions about conference supervision, hotel room bookings, or programming for our upcoming Education Action Conference from February 8-11? Do you have general questions about OSTA-AECO, its governance, or its day to day operations? Join our conference information session and AMA, hosted by the Board of Directors and members of our conference team, on January 23 from 12:00-1:00pm.